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How to register on the site?

Go to the page here
Fill in the login fields;
enter your email;
create a password to enter the site;
press the send button;
To simplify the registration procedure, you can register on the site using social networking accounts. To do this, click on the icon of any social network from the registration form or in the left block on any page.
In the future, it will be enough for you to repeatedly press the buttons of social networks to enter the site without entering a password.
What is registration necessary for?

Registration on the site extends the capabilities of the site user.
We list some of them.
1. Аccess to user’s personal page
2. The ability to leave comments
3. Participate in the discussion forum
4. Publish articles
5. Exchange personal messages with other users of the site.
6. Download free sounds
7. Buy premium music and enjoy premium services.

What is a rating for?

The rating on the site shows your usefulness to the community and what role you play in the community.

Why give a rating?

for the proposed news from -1 to +1 from everyone who rated your publication
per comment when you create it +1
also if the user liked your comment or post on the forum +1 rating for each person who rated

My account is blocked.How to be?

If you encounter a message like the following
ERROR: Authorization failed because your IP address is blocked. Please contact the administrator.
This can happen if the password is entered incorrectly many times.
In this case, contact the administrator through the contact form of the site.

What if I can’t remember my password?

Go to the page here
Enter your login or email, click send.
An email should come to your email with a link allowing you to generate a new password, then follow the instructions.

Verifi your personal account

For Artists:

How add Beatport artist photo?:

Please provide us your 590×404 pixel sized artist jpg and your english bio directly via:
This content is for registered users only. Please login.


What is UPC | EAN | ISRC?

UPC / EAN : Universal Product Code or European
Article Number is found on physical releases as well as barcode.

ISRC: The International Standard Recording Code
ISRC enables recordings to be uniquely and permanently identified. ISRC helps to avoid ambiguity and simplifies the management of rights when recordings are used across different formats, distribution channels or products. The ISRC for a recording remains a fixed point of reference when the recording is used across different services, across borders, or under different licensing deals.

How it works?

The structure (syntax) of ISRC comprises 12 alphanumeric characters, which should be presented with the 4-character prefix ‘ISRC’ when displayed in printed form.

What is Copyright & Phonograph Info?

Copyright info and Phonograph Info:

Any copyright information which is associated with a track (company name or  other holder rights) Example: Right Music Records, HU

℗ Phonograph Info

© Copyright info

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